
I’m a London based mural artist, specialising in birds, plants and landscapes. I have considerable experience in garden refurbishments and work closely with landscape gardeners and architects. I also run workshops in street and mural art, and collaborate with young people, passing on my skills as a mural artist.

I am also an exhibited artist. My figurative work in painting and print draws inspiration from artists such as Neo Rauch and David Hockney. I have recently exhibited in the RWA Annual exhibition, Woolwich Contemporary print fair and the Bainbridge Open 2023. You can see my portfolio at my artist site samuelcorinevans.co.uk

I draw inspiration from the urban landscape, the layout of streets and the drama of city’s landmark buildings. I am also drawn to the banks of the River Thames and the interface between built and natural environments. I grew up in the Forest of Dean and that experience of rural life remains with me.

Get in touch via my contact page if you would like to discuss a commission or a workshop.

Portrait of the mural artist Sam Evans in watercolour